Senin, 17 Juni 2013

The ASSURE model is just one strategy to effectively integrate technology into curriculum. As you become a more experienced teacher, you will probably find that the steps in the ASSURE model are second nature and that will lead to better teaching.

The “A” stands for Analyze the learner
  • You should know who your students are (e. g. demographics, prior knowledge, learning styles, academic abilities) on a multitude of levels, and use this knowledge in every lesson you plan.

The first “S” stands for State objectives
  • Each lesson will probably be tied to curricular objectives and this step reminds you to keep these objectives as the focus of the student learning.

The second “S” is Select media and materials
  • You will have to decide which materials and media can best help your students master the learning objectives you have identified.

The “U” stands for Utilize media and materials.
  • A teacher should always test the media first, to help prevent disappointment. In other words, make sure you have tried the software or device to ensure that it is age appropriate, grade appropriate, usable, and valid for the lesson and objectives being taught.

The “R” stands for Require learner participation.
  • Your students are going find learning more meaningful when they are actively involved in the learning process and not sitting there passively. 

Finally, the “E” stands for Evaluate and revise.

  • Becoming a good teacher requires that you constantly evaluate your own teaching, evaluate the student learning, and make needed revisions for the next lesson and for the next time you teach the current lesson. 


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